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A Brand-New initiative Turning Sustainable Sciences into Climate-Friendly Solutions

World-class research, entrepreneurial passion, and forward-thinking businesses will push the green agenda in a new innovative initiative led by three Danish Universities. Funded by The Danish Industry Foundation, a new approach to sustainable businesses has seen the light of day.

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Deep Green Innovators wins award

JUNE 14, 2024


Distinct Tracks

focusing on the green transition and pairing industry experts with researchers to address core sustainability areas.


Rounds of Venture Building

lasting 6 months, which include selection, Venture Sessions, team formation, innovation, and incubation.


Startup Teams

per round distributed between the local hubs at Aarhus University, Aalborg University, and Copenhagen Business School.

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From Untapped Potential to Sustainable Startups

Deep Green Innovators will transform research results into sustainable, societal solutions through entrepreneurship, pairing up driven students, insightful researchers and solid input from the business community.


We aim to extract sustainable solutions with significant business prospects from the vast pool of knowledge produced at Danish universities, as this initiative seeks to foster stronger ties between the academic realm and the business sphere.


Central to Deep Green Innovators are skilled entrepreneurial teams comprised of driven students, seasoned researchers, and industry professionals, guided and supported by industrial collaborators and advisors.

Ready to shape the future of sustainability?

Reach out to learn more about our project bridging research, startups

and the green transition. Let's collaborate for a greener world

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